Mariette Castellino Facilitator, Trainer Mariette facilitates and coaches in the public, private and voluntary sectors. She is experienced in management consulting, executive coaching and training. Her passion is behavioural change and effective communication at senior management and Board level. Trained and experienced in the work of David Grove, Mariette is one of the pioneers of…
Michèle Moore Facilitator, Trainer, Psychometrics Practitioner Social links: Michèle designs and delivers innovative and sustainable programmes in leadership development, teamwork and culture change to drive better business results. Passionate about helping leaders and team members understand their personal impact, build effective, professional relationships and deliver results, she is a certified practitioner of Insights Discovery, MBTI…
Pascale Cozzolino Coach, Team Coach, Facilitator Social links: Pascale coaches senior leaders and teams to improve individual, team and organisational performance. With a strong understanding of the challenges leaders face, Pascale is passionate about coaching leaders and leadership teams to be the best they can be. Pascale is an Association for Coaching (AC) Accredited Master…
Wendy Sullivan Coach, Coaching Supervisor, Facilitator, Coach Trainer Social links: Wendy Sullivan coaches, facilitates and trains individuals, to make change and achieve their desires. With a passion for enabling people to uncover their unconscious patterns of thinking and behavior in order to overcome blockages and achieve their goals, Wendy specialises in the application of Clean…
Angela Dunbar Coach, Coaching Supervisor, Facilitator, Trainer Social links: Angela coaches individuals on all aspects of their professional and personal lives, with a special interest in communication skills, confidence and creativity. Her passion is Clean Language, a powerful non-directive facilitation process that engages the coachee’s non-conscious resources through the metaphors they use to describe their…
Glen Savage The Purple Speaker, Coach, Trainer, Facilitator Social links: With over twenty years’ training and people development experience, Glen brings his creative and energetic approach to working with individuals, teams and organisations to improve performance. He trains and coaches people in a wide range of organisations to improve working relationships and create positive change.…
Lynne Cooper Managing Partner, Coach, Team Coach, Facilitator, Coaching Supervisor Social links: Lynne coaches senior leaders, managers, high-potential individuals and teams to improve effectiveness, lead through complexity and achieve results. Her passion is enhancing people’s self-awareness and their understanding of others to help them adapt to achieve the results they want. She specialises in facilitating…