Angela Dunbar
Coach, Coaching Supervisor, Facilitator, Trainer
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Angela coaches individuals on all aspects of their professional and personal lives, with a special interest in communication skills, confidence and creativity. Her passion is Clean Language, a powerful non-directive facilitation process that engages the coachee’s non-conscious resources through the metaphors they use to describe their experience.
Angela is an Association for Coaching (AC) Accredited Executive Coach and Accredited Coaching Supervisor. A popular trainer of clean coaching techniques to professional coaches, Angela has delivered workshops on Clean Language at Oxford Brookes University.
Angela has recently completed a Psychology degree (BSc Hons, First Class) and is incorporating her new knowledge into her work. She is an NLP Master Practitioner and certified Clean Facilitator.
An Honorary Life Fellow of the AC, Angela was on its UK Board and Head of Professional Forums for four years. She has twice been nominated for the AC’s coaching Honorary Award for Impacting the Coaching Profession
Angela is a conference speaker and an author; her books include:
Essential Life Coaching Skills, Angela Dunbar
Clean Coaching – The Insider Guide to making Change Happen, Angela Dunbar