Are you interested in experiencing a ‘Clean Language’ approach to supervision? Hosted by the International Centre for Reflective Practice and led by Lynne Cooper, this new online coaching supervision group could be for you!
Within the work of the group we will use Clean Language questions and explore metaphors and symbols, in addition to psychological and supervision models.
The group will be for 3 – 4 coaches. Each supervision session will run for 90 minutes, approximately monthly. The group will be ‘closed’ once it commences, and will run initially for 6 sessions with an option to extend and recontract thereafter.
Proposed dates
Each group will be held at 4pm London time
- Monday 17th September 2018
- Monday 15th October 2018
- Monday 12th November 2018
- plus three further dates
About Lynne Cooper
Lynne has been coaching individuals and teams for nearly 20 years; she has been supervising coaches, team coaches and supervisors since 2009. An Association for Coaching (AC) Accredited Master Executive Coach and accredited Coaching Supervisor (Coaching Supervision Academy), Lynne holds a Diploma in Coaching Supervision, is an NLP Master Practitioner and Certified Clean Facilitator.
Lynne is the co-developer of The Five-Minute Coach, an easy to learn, powerful Clean coaching approach and a tutor on two AC Accredited Coach Training programmes. She specialises in the use of Clean Language, metaphor and symbolic modeling in coaching, supervising and facilitating.
Lynne was made Honorary Life Fellow of the AC in 2013 for her contribution to the coaching profession; an AC UK member for over three years she headed Standards & Accreditation and served as Vice Chair.