Being more productive – and influencing others to be so – is a challenge that most of us seem to face. How can you influence others to get things done, faster and more efficiently?
The Five-Minute Coach coaching framework includes a secret weapon to help get things done – a fast and easy way to create a plan of action.
For example, assume a team member has been falling behind on an important client project – let’s call it Project M. Start with the question: “What needs to happen for you to deliver Project M on time?”
Jot down the answer and then ask: “And is there anything else that needs to happen for you to deliver Project M on time?”
Repeat the question multiple times – “And is there anything else that needs to happen for you to deliver Project M on time?” – capturing each response as it emerges, until no more answers are forthcoming. Resist the temptation to offer your own solutions unless the team member is missing something critical.
Show, or read back, the answers and then ask “And what needs to happen first?”
When they’ve responded ask “And when will that happen?” Then you can help them to prioritise the next things that must happen.
And what needs to happen for you to use this approach to getting things done?