Do you ever find it difficult to get your opinion truly heard, or your ideas taken seriously? Whether one-to-one, in group meetings or even when making a presentation, would you like to have more influence?
When you have an important contribution to make, pay attention not only to what you say but how you say it. Try the following:
- Pause
- Take a big breath
- Speak slowly
- Articulate your words
- Continue to breathe deeply into your diaphragm
- Keep an upright posture
- Add emphasis to the words you want to be heard
- And make a downward movement of your hand to add impact to the words you emphasise
For example: We really need to discuss whether this proposal actually meets the objective. It’s important to secure the whole team’scommitment to this. I believe we must start with that.
Practise this for yourself. Hear the conviction and strength in your voice, with the depth and resonance gained from slowing down and filling your lungs with air.
And it’s timely for those of us based in the UK, with its impending election, to pay attention to when and where politicians are using this approach to increase their impact and make their message more compelling.